
A partnership based on trust: "Without TRIMIT, we would not be where we are today"

In 2024, the Norwegian clothing brand, Lanullva, will celebrate its 30th anniversary. Enjoying great success, the family business has plans to scale the company by expanding to other markets. But at one point, a deficient and unsatisfactory ERP system almost put an end to the family venture. Luckily, Lanullva reached out to TRIMIT just in time to get the business back on track.

“My grandmother invented the unique and revolutionary knitting technique that distinguishes our products. Today, we have six stores across Norway and a webshop. Business is going well, and as we speak, we are opening in Denmark. We have ambitions to scale in the rest of Scandinavia and England as well,”

Head of eCommerce at Lanullva, Frank Skjelland, says.

With their high-quality wool clothing and accessories for men, women, children and babies, Lanullva have worked hard on creating a renowned brand and business throughout the years. With a third generation of the family now actively involved in the business, the clothing company has a bright future ahead of it.

The story of Lanullva started in the early 90’s with a loving wife wanting to make her husband feel warm and comfortable working in the scenic landscapes of north-west Norway. Since then, the family business has come a long way.

The core of business operations

Frank Skjelland joined Lanullva in 2013, and although the family had successfully managed the company over the years, Frank is very aware of the fact that choosing TRIMIT as their ERP provider back in 2017 was crucial; it simply had a severe impact on how well the business is doing today.
Now, several of Lanullva’s workflows have been optimized with TRIMIT’s customized and industry-specific solutions. Lanullva uses TRIMIT’s standard solution for fashion brands with integrations to Shopify and Front System among others. That has resulted in a substantially improvement in several business areas:

  • Inventory and product management
  • B2B sales
  • Online sales
  • Financial management

In other words, TRIMIT is the center of information of all business operations.

Choosing TRIMIT was crucial

Most importantly though, Lanullva now has an adaptive ERP system that makes it possible for the brand to realize their growth ambitions. Unfortunately, Lanullva had to endure several bad experiences with other ERP providers before finding the perfect match with TRIMIT:

“The ERP systems in Norway that we had before just didn’t deliver what they promised us. They cost us an immense amount of focus, time and money, and they were devastating for our business. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t reached out to TRIMIT at that time. If they had not delivered, it would probably have been the end of our company,”



Frank’s statement that the company might not exist today without TRIMIT’s assistance might sound dramatic. But for many businesses within the production industry, the ERP system is the heart of the business. Without healthy and well-functioning systems, operations are more than likely to incline:

“In a business like ours, it is extremely important to have control over your products and your sales. With raw materials from Uruguay and yarn production in Schwitzerland and Austria, there are a lot of processes to keep track of. You simply just can’t do it with Excel or pen and paper,” Frank explains.

He elaborates:

“The old systems were not integrated at all, and it was very expensive and a lot of work to do small changes. I just remember that it was a headache, and we felt like we were in jail. We couldn’t do what we wanted with our products, and the system didn’t support our business processes and goals at all,” Frank recalls.

More than just a number in a line

For almost a decade, Lanullva struggled with other ERP system providers. According to the Lanullva heir, it was even an absolute “ERP nightmare” where their ambitions were stifled by a devastating struggle with providers that failed to meet their expectations, demands and requirements. Frustrated and tired of feeling like they were just a number in a line, Frank reached out to TRIMIT in 2017. The rest is history:

“TRIMIT has helped us in so many ways. They have supported us greatly in the configuration and the data flows between TRIMIT and their other systems. We are very pleased with the work”



Since the providing of TRIMIT’s ERP system, TRIMIT has helped Lanullva with several integrations and solving many different challenges. Today, the relationship between the two is much more a partnership rather than the classic customer-supplier relationship:

"It is rare to find a company like TRIMIT, where the people behind it really understand your business and deliver what they promise. They have just the right values for our business, and we often seek their advice on different topics. With them, we no longer feel like a hopeless number in a big line of customers. I can always ask them for help, and I feel like they have really stepped up for us so many times,"
...Frank explains.

Significantly increased revenue, higher efficiency and lower costs

Besides finally getting a good night’s sleep and having peace of mind, there are other positive aspects of the TRIMIT partnership for the Norwegian family business:

"TRIMIT has supported our growth going from 20 to 70 million NOK in revenue. That would certainly not have been possible with the old systems,"



Furthermore, Lanullva used to have twice as many employees at the headquarter office, but because of TRIMIT’s system they have been able to automate a lot of processes. That has increased efficiency and optimized workflows making manual labor play a much smaller part of the operations. That has liberated time for other tasks:

"Before, it was almost impossible to keep an overview of the processes, and the manual import and export of data made it very confusing and time consuming. It is hard to scale a company with that kind of mismatch in essential operations. With TRIMIT, everything runs smoothly, and we don’t have to worry about anything,"

...Frank concludes.

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